Bulletin #25 | February 26th, 2019

Main Office

Flag Day ceremony

Many people don’t realize that the flags near the main entrance do change. Each year they represent only those nations here on campus, and when a representative of a new nation joins us, we have a ceremony to raise their flag with the families concerned. Each flag pole also shows the actual distance and direction to the capital city of that country, and many of us enjoy looking at those and imagining the distance back to our homes and loved ones so far away.

Last Friday we celebrated Flag Day with what has quickly become one of our favorite school wide ceremonies in the year. After the official ceremony of honor to the Mexican Flag, we had a parade of each of the nationalities that we have on campus. This year a record 31 nationalities are represented here among students and staff. The flag of each of these nations was paraded in front of the students and staff, each carried by representatives of that country. This really was an emotional experience and there were quite a few tears being shed among those watching as our students all cheered as each and every one of those children and parents proudly came forward holding their flag! The display of so many beautiful national costumes worn by students and parents was also something to see!

Being a multinational campus is something that we have long been proud of, but this must be much more than waving flags and cheering. If we wish for a world of peace, we must all learn to be more accepting of others, and this begins with understanding ourselves. We need to understand ‘why I do what I do’. It is a responsibility that we all share, parents at home and staff at school, to help each of us to remember that so many of our own assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes are really not based on facts. They simply come from what we have learned through our own cultures and an inborn ‘belief’ that ‘how we do things here must be right’. To understand others, to help make this a more peaceful world, we must all start by understanding that so many of our differences simply lay in our own culture, and that all cultures are equally valid and equally correct.

I ask all of us, both at school and home, to remember that all of our lives are enriched when we promote and encourage an understanding of multiple perspectives, cross-cultural appreciation, and a fascination with how others eat, dress, and interact together. There can be no pride in laughing at others or claiming that by accident of birth we are somehow superior to someone else. By helping our children grow to enjoy and respect this multicultural global community we will also be helping to positively affect their social skills, level of empathy and enjoyment of this incredible world we live in.

Waving flags is a fantastic thing to do, and the ceremony is enjoyable for all of us. However, we need to remember that it is still only a small part, a beginning and not the end; of helping to create a truly authentic multi-cultural community that we are all blessed to be a part of at JFK.
Adrian Leece
Main Office


We want to invite you to our great Kermesse next March 23, there will be cool rides, games of skill ,and a new area with awesome games for the little ones.

We will have our traditional Community Exhibition 2019 in which students, teachers, parents, and staff will participate singing, dancing, playing instruments with presentations throughout the day, and also as a special guest mago Gamini which will give a spectacular presentation in our Kermesse.

We will have food trucks and booths with a great variety of food, as well as a sponsor area.

Remember that in addition to having a great day, you will be contributing to our annual campaign whose goal this year is to remodel our Plaza de las Banderas, so come and enjoy all the activities and games we have prepared for you, we will be waiting for you!

Be a sponsor at this year´s Kermesse on March 23

Over 1800 people of all ages attend the Kermesse.
We offer:

· A location to exhibit and promote your product at the event.
· Brand exposure in publicity and during the event.
· Tax-deductible receipt (upon request)

For more information, please contact Gabriela Platas in the Institutional Development Department at [email protected] or phone 218 0075 ext. 1015
Gaby Platas
Institutional Development

Jump Rope

It's a challenging activity where a variety of abilities combine speed, resistance and flexibility.

You can prepare yourself to be a Jump Roper and compete in tests such as:
Speed event: the jumper shall execute the speed steps in the time given.
Double Dutch Speed Relay: 3 people event.
Double Dutch Pairs Speed: 4 people event.

Next Class:
March 2
FROM 10:00 TO 11:30 A.M.
Person in charge:
Miss Cecilia Ponce de León.
mponce@ jfk.edu.mx

Bring comfortable clothing, sneakers and water.

3rd place in the Karate State Championship 

Congratulations to Miranda Hernández Treviño from 3rd grade, who won 3rd Place in the Karate State Championship in the Kata format.
Sports Results
Soccer Results click here
Athletic Results click here
Sports Team

Photokits 2018-2019

Mónica Duarte
Marketing and Communications

Environmental Fair- Ecoclub And Voluntaries

Interview with Sofia Barron –Ecoclub President Elementary
Why is it important to you that we have a group of voluntaries, which form an Ecoclub and work for sustainability?

For me, voluntaries are very important because they not only help the environment but also human beings. I think sustainability is something we should work on every day and not by ourselves but together. We can help the planet and create a habit so we don´t commit the same mistakes. We should show commitment and the Ecoclub brings all this into practice.

Interview with Maru Bueno- Voluntaries President

Why do you think it is important for our school to move towards sustainability?

It is very important for our school to become sustainable because the actions we take as a community will help our environment. A sustainable education is a synonym of respect, love, and innovation, to include and take the best we have within our reach to do our best to maintain the existing natural resources and support the conservation of species. There is no small action, all of them count and spread. Some immediate actions we can make at the school are reducing waste during lunch, print only what's necessary, keep our recycling program, avoid plastic bags and straws. The same actions and ideas from school can be done also at home.

What value brings our Voluntaries Group to the school model?
The voluntary work is an efficient way to show with our example the responsibility we have as individuals to help the ones in need and actively work for the environment and our community.
Luz Ángela Arredondo
Environmental Program coordinator


Parent Teacher Conferences

We are preparing for our second Parent- Teacher Conference of the year, which will take place from March 11-22, where teachers will be sharing not only the report card, but also our PYP portfolios with parents.  Please help us with the logistics by arriving punctually to your appointment.


Professional Day 

This Friday, March 1st, is a professional day with no school for students. The teachers will be working all day on concepts such as technology strategies for the classroom and collaborative planning for unit 4 of our Program of Inquiry.
Debra Cortney
Preschool Principal

Elementary School

Pre-Stanford routines

Next week from Monday to Friday, March 4 to 8, we have the very important Stanford standardized tests. They measure how your child is doing in all subjects in English. The JFK relies on the Stanford to provide an objective, unbiased account of students' abilities. Doing poorly on the Stanford test could mean that your child will miss out on academically advantageous opportunities in the future. The results go with him or her to our Middle School and High School, and are the most important indicator when other schools call me to ask about a child’s performance (even more important than their grades). To ensure that your child's Stanford performance accurately reflects his or her abilities, help your child in some simple pre-Stanford routines:

-Read together. Children who read do better on tests. Our children who finish the JFK Reads program, score ,on average, much higher than those who did not.
- Tell your child that you want him or her to do well on these tests because they will have a major impact on his or her future.
-Tell your child that you believe that he or she can do well on the test
-Get a full night’s sleep so he or she is fresh and ready for the test.
-Eat a good breakfast

Good luck to all. Enjoy this opportunity to show off your skills in English.
Mark Dunn
Elementary School Principal

Middle School

Hello MS Community!

We had a great Parent Talk last week about self-esteem, with many parents attending from Middle School and other sections. Thank you, Miss Clarisa and the Student Support Service team, for organizing this.

Your child must feel loved and allowed to make his or her own decisions, and as the weather has begun to change, our students are also showing signs of growth and change. Please talk to your child about hygiene habits. It’s perfectly fine for your child to keep deodorant and a small towel in the locker for use after PE class.

We have a Professional Development day this Friday, and next week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 5th and 6th, Middle School students will be taking the Stanford exams. We encourage you to feed them a good, protein-rich breakfast, and send them to school well-rested so they can do their personal best on this exam.

Here is some food for thought as you get your week started: As adults, we need to be able to truly listen to our children. Start with open-ended questions that convey your interest in their opinions. You can come around to grades eventually, but try to open up the communication with bigger topics: dreams, worries, and friendships are good places to start. Another thing to try is to really listen using eye contact and body language, without giving advice or passing judgment. Sometimes your teen just wants to vent or know you hear him or her. Finally, try to frame your opinions or arguments with I feel statements, which will serve as models for their communication skills back.

Enjoy these moments of conversation with your teen, and enjoy your week!

Camille Casses
Middle School Principal

High School

JFK opens doors of opportunity!

It is amazing to see how JFK opens doors of opportunity for our students! In the past few weeks, two of our graduating seniors received scholarships to attend New York University (NYU) next year at two of their global campuses. I would like to thank our College Counselor, Miss Mónica Orozco for her work networking with global universities and helping push our students to be confident applying for such amazing opportunities around the world!

And...next week, we have six students competing at the Model United Nations event in New York City at the United Nations headquarters, the premier MUN event in the world! Congratulations and thank you for representing JFK with pride on the world stage!


Bob Callahan
High School Principal