Bulletin #38 | June 11th, 2019

It is so hard to believe that the school year is ending already! 

It is so hard to believe that the school year is ending already! The year has just flown past for me!

During this year, we introduced our new Mission, Vision and School Values. With these in place, we have begun Our Journey to have a profound investigation of where the school is today and to build a School Improvement Plan that will take us forward in the coming years.

We have made changes in the Middle and High Schools, with new principals and greater alignment of the IB MYP and DP programs to make more academic sense. Our plans starting in August will result in a wider choice of IB Diploma subjects in High School and a more focused academic load for students.
Many of our programs are being re-invented and brightened up for the new school year. Art and Music will be managed as a single department from K-12, and new planning has begun to bring better opportunities and awareness for the incredible artistic talents our students show.

Physical Education is also being aligned to international standards, and working with a restructured Student Support Services, a great new program is being developed to provide continuity and clarity to physical, emotional, health and nutrition education right through all grade levels.

Of course, we cannot forget that we are also awaiting authorization to implement PYP formally, thus taking students on an international program that is aligned with best educational practice from K1 right through to 12th grade.

In the summer, I will be providing more details about these and other exciting changes being planned for the new school year at JFK. In the meantime, as this is the last bulletin of the year, I would like to thank you all for your extraordinary help and support. Making positive change in a school takes time, and it takes effort, but most of all it takes a community dedicated and determined to support the school and its initiatives: JFK has all of this, thanks to all of you!

I look forward to seeing you in August when Our Journey will take us a little further on the road to achieving the extraordinary, and in the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful summer break with plenty of time to relax and enjoy yourselves.

Happy vacations!
Adrian Leece
Main Office

Yearbooks 2018-2019

The yearbooks will arrive soon! Come pick it up at the Jaguar Shop this June 13th.
Mónica Duarte
Marketing and Communication

Report cards

Final report cards will be turned in on June 28th, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Pre-first to 9th grade)
Ana Torres
Student Records Coordinator
Musical June
Fé del Carmen García
Extended Learning Coordinator

Xtreme Challenge Winners

These were the winners on our 5th Xtreme Challenge Race Medieval Edition:

Gaby Platas
Institutional Development Coordinator
Demo classes

Sports Results
Soccer results click here
Volleyball results click here
Athletics results click here
Stay tuned to our annual results! Coming soon on our webpage.

Sports Team

Environmental Program

Social Service and Environmental Program Results
We are ending another year of hard work, learning and achievements thanks to the participation of students, teachers, and parents.
This year we had the support of 297 moms as volunteers which represent the commitment we have as a community.

We had the Firefighters Campaign which donated goods, for the estimated amount of $56,215; during the Give a Toy Campaign, we received 1,510 toys for children in the Sierra and Obraje; The Clothes and Accessories Campaign collected 7,125 items; and the Electronics Waste Campaign with 2,158 kg of waste collected to be recycled. The school also participated with a workshop for the AMANC Kermesse during the International Day of Children with Cancer. We had a donut sale in the JFK Kermess and we held our 4th Environmental Fair, as well as an environmental trip to the Sierra.

Like every year, beyond the numbers, the intention of this project is focused on motivation and empathy, service to others, and consciousness about our environment in our children.

Luz Arredondo
Environmental Program Coordinator


Thank you to the Parents’ Association
As the school year comes to an end, we would like to take a moment to thank our volunteers who served on the parents’ association this school year: Luz Álvarez, Tamara Topete, Jenni Martínez y Fer Landgrave. They did a wonderful job this year planning special events for our students and strengthening communication between families and the school. If you are interested in forming part of the association for the next school year, please contact Miss Debra.

K3 Mini Promotion

We would like to invite all K3 parents to our mini promotion ceremony which will be held on Monday, June 17th at 8:00 AM in the school auditorium. Students should wear their uniform pants, generation t-shirt, and uniform jacket. There will be normal classes following the event.

Parent Teacher Conferences

We will be having parent-teacher conferences during the next two weeks. It will be almost impossible to reschedule your meeting with the end of the school year approaching, so please try to arrive on time to your appointment.


Debra Cortney
Preschool Principal

Elementary School

Happy summer vacation
It is incredible that this year has passed so quickly, but it is time again to wish all JFK families a wonderful, safe, and happy summer vacation. A few families told me that the tips I shared last year to avoid the "summer slide" were helpful so here they are again. Summer slide is when students do not exercise their brains in the summer and they lose or forget some of the skills they learned the previous year. As the old saying goes, “If you don't use it, you lose it.”
  • Family Reading Program: Set up a summer reading program with your child in which she/he reads books in July. You can find good books in the Queretaro city library, on amazon.com or at Gandhi. Also, you should still have access to Kidbiz and RazKids in the summer.
  • Summer Camps: Enroll your child in a high interest summer camp.
  • Summer Enrichment: If your child scored low in grades, or on the Stanford test, you could work with him or her (or hire someone to fill in that gap).
  • Learning While Vacationing: If you are planning on taking a vacation this summer, you can ask your child to research the destination's history, cuisine, popular attractions, etc.
  • Learning Locally: Don’t forget how amazing Queretaro is and the region around us. Visit the Sierra Gorda, Bernal, San Miguel, DF,etc. and make learning a part of the trips.
Final report cards will be turned in to parents on June 28. You can stop by between 8am and 11:30am to pick them up. Stanford results will also be made available on that date. Finally, the Piggy Bank Challenge is a big success thanks to teacher support, parent volunteering, and motivated ES children whose enthusiasm and love of the JFK is wonderful to see. Thank you everyone who participated.
"With faith, I believe in you" conference
On Thursday 6th, we were honored to receive Lic. Patricia Valle Benitez, who is a Paralympics medal champion in swimming competitions from our country.
She gave a conference to our 4th grade students called,“With faith, I believe in you”. She talked about her personal life and her path as a high performance athlete.
Children and teachers were very excited, grateful for her words and very pleased to meet her; she is a great person and a gorgeous example of strength and commitment.
Thanks a lot Dear Paty!!

Mark Dunn
Elementary School Principal

Middle School

Last week of classes

It’s our last full week of classes. A few reminders for the end of the school year:
Teachers will be recognizing students with IB Profile awards this week, and we will also have the last Honor Roll breakfast on Thursday.

Students will be cleaning out their lockers this week. Please provide a bag for child to take home his/her personal items.
We will have the Lost-and-Found racks out this week in order for your child to also take home clothing items, lunchboxes, water bottles, and other items. Any remaining items will be sent to charity next week.

8th graders and 6th graders will be taking the EVEC exams on Tuesday, June 11th and Wednesday, June 12th.

On Thursday, I hope to see all of our families here to enjoy the final Music Concert and Art Exhibition of the year, from 9am to approximately 11:30 am. Report cards will be handed out on Friday, June 28th.
Thank you so much for a successful year! I hope you enjoy your summer vacation, resting and relaxing with family and friends.

Camille Casses
Middle School Principal

High School

Thank you all!

I would like to thank all staff, students, and parents for their support this school year. It has been an amazing journey together, and I look forward to continuing Our Journey next year as we begin our new agreement with UNAM!
Bob Callahan
High School Principal