Alumni Stories
Miguel Ángel Gómez del Valle | Class of 2012
Pensar en el Kennedy instantáneamente ocasiona que sonría. Mucha gente me dijo que esos años son los más felices de la vida y lo entendería hasa mucho tiempo después; cuánta razón tenían. Me enorgullece decir que estudié en el Kennedy desde 1ro de kinder y hasta 12vo. No tengo la menor duda que la persona que soy hoy es en gran medida gracias a las experiencias, aprendizajes y personas con las que tuve el gusto de convivir en esta increíble etapa. El arte, la música y el deporte son mis grandes pasiones en la vida y forman parte central de mi vida profesional. Me encanta reflexionar y darme cuenta de cómo estas pasiones crecieron en mí casi sin darme cuenta día con día en el Kennedy. Cada clase de arte con Miss Grillo y Miss Laura, cada lección de escultura con Johnny, cada baile con Miss Blanquita, cada canción cantada con Miss Paty, cada instrumento aprendido con Raúl, cada entrenamiento con Miguel Carballeda, Ray y Horacio, cada libro leído por Miss Patsy, y cada aprendizaje de incontables misses y profesores que fueron los bloques que construyeron lo que soy hoy. ¿Y qué puedo decir de las amistades? Las personas que más quiero y admiro son casi todas personas con las que crucé camino gracias al JFK, y me siento afortunadísimo de tener a casi todos muy presentes y cercanos en mi vida hoy en día a pesar de haber tomado caminos distintos. Lo que empezó como una plática en la fila de la tiendita, compartir hospedaje en Asomex, o simplemente coincidir en el salón, hoy en día se ha convertido en amistades que en algunos casos ya tienen decenas de años, cosa que atesoro y apreciaré por siempre. Hoy en día soy diseñador industrial, educador, artista, músico y deportista, aunque considero que el título que resume lo que soy es el de creativo de tiempo completo. La creatividad es mi pasión, profesión y pasatiempo, y es la característica más valiosa que tengo. Creo que todos los seres humanos somos curiosos por naturaleza, y esta característica es el motor que empuja a la creatividad, motiva al aprendizaje y en consecuencia detona al cambio y al progreso. Aprendí a amar y a explotar la creatividad con cada día que pasaba en el Kennedy, y es por eso que me siento tan afortunado de haber estudiado aquí, y por eso mismo que el Kennedy siempre tendrá un lugar enorme en mi corazón.Arantza Rodríguez Melchor. Generación 2015
Estudiar en el John F. Kennedy ha sido una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida. La escuela me dió la oportunidad de participar en clases, deportes y actividades extracurriculares (tales como Student Government, NHS, Model UN, Book Club) que me dieron formación y bases para enfrentar cualquier adversidad. Cabe mencionar, que de todas estas actividades, mi favorita siempre fue el fútbol. Todavía recuerdo como en mi último año de preparatoria mi equipo fue tricampeón ganando COPA, ASOMEX y LIDEIP. Me llevo en mi corazón todas las amistades que formé en este equipo y en la escuela.Después de terminar mis estudios en el Kennedy, fui aceptada en New York University Abu Dhabi con una beca del 100% para estudiar la carrera de Ciencias de la Computación con una especialización en Economía. En la universidad tuve la oportunidad de tomar clases en los otros campus: Nueva York y Shanghai. Y continué empleando todas las herramientas que el Kennedy me dió.
Una vez graduada de la universidad, decidí quedarme en la región y comencé a trabajar como Software Engineer para el departamento digital de PricewaterhouseCoopers en Dubai. En la compañía participé en una gran gama de proyectos. Uno de ellos fue desarrollar un prototipo de Smart Cities para Microsoft y fue presentado en una de las conferencias de tecnología más grandes del mundo: GITEX. Otro proyecto fue desarrollar una aplicación web para integrar todas las plataformas digitales del gobierno de Abu Dhabi.
Después de dos años en este trabajo, quise moverme a una compañía enfocada más a un producto. Así que actualmente estoy trabajando como Software Engineer de manera remota (COVID ja ja) para un startup llamado Grabbd que se encuentra basado en Inglaterra desde Dubai. No sé qué me depare el futuro. Pero de lo que si estoy segura es que mi formación en el JFK, la preparación en NYU, mis valores personales y lo que aprendí en mis proyectos anteriores, me van a dar las herramientas para superar cualquier obstáculo que se presente.
Jaime Mansur Monroy. Class of 2005
El Kennedy fue el lugar que me permitió echar las raíces de mi futuro. Llegué a Querétaro para cursar 9° después de haber vivido entre México y Estados Unidos en mi infancia. Durante estos 4 años hubo dos experiencias que me formaron en la persona que soy. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer a uno de los maestros más grandes Roger, el cual me enseñó, como a todos sus alumnos que lo conocimos, a desarrollar nuestro pensamiento crítico y a aprender a cuestionar con argumentos las diferentes posturas de los problemas. En nuestro mundo actual, este razonamiento es muy difícil de encontrar con la polarización que la política global ha generado y agradezco enormemente haber aprendido esto en el JFK. El segundo fue participar en el equipo de básquetbol; pasé de ser el novato del equipo a ser el capitán durante mis últimos dos años. Mi coach durante este proceso fue Ramón. Él siempre me enseñó a trabajar en equipo durante los momentos importantes y sobre todo en los más difíciles. Aprendí que la unión de un equipo es más fuerte que cualquier esfuerzo individual. Fue en estos equipos que conocí a mis mejores amigos que se han convertido en mis hermanos, los conocí jugando este bello deporte y se volvieron parte invaluable de mi vida.Contando un poco mi vida profesional, terminando JFK estudié la carreta de tecnologías electrónicas en el ITESM. Durante mi carrera estuve un año en la Universidad de Darmstadt Alemania, donde hice un diplomado en energías renovables. Como tesis de carrera en el 2010 desarrollé un vehículo eléctrico biplaza el cual podía acelerar a 60km/h y un alcance de 15km. Posteriormente hice mi maestría en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en energía fotovoltaica y culminando el año 2011, inicié mi empresa sobre energía solar fotovoltaica llamada “Mansur Solar”. Actualmente, somos una empresa de ingeniería con 50 integrantes hemos hecho más de 1,000 instalaciones en la ciudad de Querétaro y hemos trabajado en proyectos industriales con empresas del nivel de Tesla, Bimbo, Lala, Chedraui, Empresalia habiendo instalado más de 40,000 paneles solares en toda la república
El trabajo en equipo, como el pensamiento crítico, han sido vitales en mi desarrollo como persona y profesionista.
Susana Larrea Delgado Class of 2000
El colegio JFK sigue siendo de las mejores experiencias de mi vida. No sólo porque ahí hice grandes amistades, sí no también por los grandes maestros que conocí a lo largo de 10 años que estudié ahí. Profesores genuinamente involucrados con sus alumnos que, independientemente de su área de expertise, transmitían sabiduría.Tras graduarme del Kennedy en el 2000, estudié medicina en la Universidad del Valle de México, campus Querétaro. Posteriormente hice un Masters en Gerontología Social (estudio del envejecimiento humano) y tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con diferentes asociaciones y en residencias para la atención de adultos mayores.
Actualmente me dedico a dar consultorías gerontológicas, enfocadas a los cuidados domiciliarios del adulto mayor y en especial del paciente con Enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Desde hace 6 años vivo en Los Cabos con mi maravillosa familia. Cada vez que visito Querétaro paso frente a una escuela que, me parece irreconocible pero que sigue llena de recuerdos y que sé, sigue siendo un lugar donde nuevas generaciones aprenden mucho más que cultura y educación.
Sandra E. Sánchez Pantoja. Class of 2000
Hi everybody! It’s my pleasure to share with you guys in the JFK community a little bit of who I am today and how our school contributed to my personal and professional lives.I studied at JFK from 1989 to 1997. This was, most of my Elementary and all of my Middle School. Looking back at those times, what I treasure the most (on top of the excellent English level that I acquired), are the experiences that we had, and which complimented our classes. Remember that, even when this was not such a long time ago, we had very little technology back then. No PC’s, no Iphones, no internet everywhere, no social media, no searching the web for everything. We used the library and had to report on our sources. So, I learned a lot from experiences such as the Science Fairs where we had to prove a hypothesis through the use of the scientific method, or the International Fair where we had to research everything about a given country and even dress, dance and cook like them. Also, the United Nations Model, where we had to simulate the sessions and defend countries’ positions even when we may have not agreed with them. These forums taught me about speaking in public, working under pressure, being evaluated by judges, or working as a team with classmates. I also value looking back at excellent teachers, many of them native English speakers, such as Peter Kelly, who taught me about Creative Writing, or Sarah Young, who taught me about World History, or Ceci Flores, who taught me about World Geography. Finally, the great friends I still see: Susana, Erandi, Carla, Mayra, Paulina, Tania, Lorena, Gisela, Debbie, Marilú, Alba & Marissa.
Today, I am an Industrial Engineer who worked for an international consumer goods production company for 13 years including a 2-year Expat assignment in Argentina. In 2016, I founded my own consulting company called Akame Consultoría (at your service), specializing on HR processes. I am married to Claudio and mother of 7-year-old Julia. I am now living back in Querétaro and hope all of you guys the best!
Juan Carlos Meza Lima. Class of 1999.
Recordar es vivir, agradezco el espacio para compartirles mi historia.Mi hermana y yo éramos los primeros en llegar y los últimos en irnos, fueron años difíciles ya que casi no veíamos a nuestros padres porque siempre lucharon contra viento y marea para tenernos en el Kennedy, gracias infinitas a esas dos hermosas personas ¡los amo!
La escuela les quedaba de camino al trabajo y prácticamente vivíamos en la escuela ¡12 horas continuas! Muchos no se la sabían ¿eh? más que Benigno, mi eterno compita de portón.
Pero así fué y conozco cada rincón de la escuela en dónde solía caminar a diario, a excepción que nos dieran un raite a casa y en aquel entonces la mayoría de los que estudiaban en el JFK vivían en Jurica menos unos cuantos, así que tocaba entrenar diario doble clase de soccer, al final eso dío frutos y de ahí forje el carácter que me ha llenado de grandes experiencias y amistades que aún hoy perduran. Basta con ver ese reencuentro de Bélgica en su primer torneo de soccer ex alumnos, en dónde me encantó compartir cancha con mis amigos de antaño, debo de admitir que ¡los años pesan!
Me llevo grandes recuerdos del Kennedy y sobre todo el idioma Inglés que me abrió muchísimas puertas y llegué a cumplir mi sueño de trabajar en Walt Disney “The Happiest place on Earth”. Esos años sin duda fueron una apertura multicultural que disfruté como enano.
Actualmente, soy socio fundador de Atrio Residencias en donde hacemos realidad los proyectos de construcción de nuestros clientes, desde la búsqueda del terreno hasta la ejecución y entrega de la casa de sus sueños.
Me encanta lo que hago y no hay mejor paga que ver la cara de los clientes felices cuando realizan ese gran paso y lo mejor es que las recomendaciones llegan solitas, tanto así que llegamos a oídos de desarrolladores importantes en el estado de Yucatán.
Les puedo comentar que nuestro próximo proyecto Bosques de Terralinda Yucatán ya está en pie. 200 Hectáreas de desarrollo en un entorno de vegetación a 20 min de la playa en donde nuestros clientes podrán asegurar su inversión con una alta plusvalía constante a través de los años, así que Yucatán ¡Ahí te vamos!
Sorry por el comercialote pero soy de la idea que cuando haces lo que te apasiona, se llega muy lejos con mente, corazón y trabajo en equipo lograremos lo imposible. GO JAGUARS!
Aura Diana Romero Rangel. Class of 2011.
Jamás olvidaré cuando llegué al Kennedy en 3° de primaria, al grupo C, con Miss Angie. Tenía mucho miedo por esta nueva escuela, pero en poco tiempo me enamoré de ese nuevo espacio. Los juegos, la biblioteca, el laboratorio de Miss Inge, los equipos de básquetbol, atletismo y voleibol que llegaron a marcar tanto mi infancia. Los pasillos de Middle School, donde mi locker estaba al lado del de mi mejor amigo. Los árboles de prepa, donde cada generación se acomodaba. Los viernes de optativas, la emoción del ASOMEX, el cansancio mortal después de Rojos y Azules. Son recuerdos invaluables.Estudié Innovación y Gestión Educativa en la UAQ, durante un tiempo trabajé en la casa hogar Puerta Abierta. Actualmente estoy como directora de Relaciones Públicas y Responsabilidad Social de la empresa Complejos Residenciales. Además, como presidenta en la Comisión de Medio Ambiente de COPARMEX Querétaro, Consejera Ciudadana Estatal Juvenil y Consejera Ciudadana Municipal de las Mujeres, profesora en la Universidad Anáhuac en la licenciatura de pedagogía en donde estudio la maestría en Responsabilidad Social.
El Kennedy fue donde todo comenzó. Fueron las clases de Bob y Sarah y los espacios de servicio social que movieron tanto mi corazón y mi mente me hicieron ver que hay problemas que nuestro país necesita solucionar. Cuando coincido con algún otro exalumno en el mundo profesional, no me queda duda: Kennedy es sinónimo de liderazgo, humanismo y profesionalismo.
Abel Francisco Mejía Cosenza. Class of 1993
My brothers, Sergio and Adalberto, and myself had the privilege to go to JFK in the 90s, and I cannot but think that those wonder years have had a resounding influence in all of our lives. The JFK was an amazing experience for all of us, both on an academic and personal level, shaping our character and providing long-lasting friendships. After JFK, I went on to study High School at the local Tec de Monterrey where I was awarded a 100% academic excellence scholarship. Later I went to study law at the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City, where I was again fortunate enough to land another academic excellence scholarship. During the 5 year law school program, I had the opportunity to spend one year abroad studying in Lyon, France, where I obtained my Diplome d'Etudes Universitaires Francaises from the recognized Université Jean Moulin and became highly proficient at french. This foreign academic experience deeply influenced my personal and professional life, particularly giving me workplace skills that have allowed me to hold leadership positions in francophone associations such as the Mexican French Chamber of Commerce where I act as General Secretary. A couple of years after finishing law school in Mexico I went to study a Masters in Law Degree at the New York University School of Law with a specialization in international tax. Once again, having the chance to study and live in Manhattan was a game changer in my life, especially having the opportunity to cooperate and compete neck to neck with some of the very best students from all around the world. After graduating from NYU in the top 5% of my class, I took on the California bar exam. The bar exam, without a doubt, has been the most challenging academic experience in my life: 2 months of non-stop 12 hours of study per day and an exam period of three days with 6 hours sessions; I could not have done it without a solid academic foundation. I was then recruited at a major California law firm and lived for 7 years in San Diego working in the field of international tax, specializing in cross-border mergers & acquisitions and in estate planning for the ultra high-networth sector of private clients. In 2012 my first child, Inés, was born and my wife and I decided it was time to come home, thus in 2013 I accepted a position as international tax partner at the Mexican law firm Sánchez Devanny Eseverri, where I still work as of this day. I have been fortunate enough to have been recognized by the leading law ranking organizations (Latin Lawyer and Chambers and Partners) as one of the top 5 attorneys in Mexico in the field of private client advisory, i.e. assisting the wealthiest families in the country with their international business ventures, their corporate governance rules and succession planning and by the national magazine Expansión as one of the 30 under 30 top professionals in the country in 2018. I am convinced that an education of excellence at some of the most prestigious institutions in the country and abroad, starting with JFK, were quintessential to achieve those cornerstones. I finally returned to Querétaro in 2016 and did not hesitate to enroll my daughter at the place where it all began: the JFK. I now proudly serve as a member of the Board of the JFK where I hope to give back a little of all that I received from JFK. As a JFK alumni, it gave me enormous joy and peace of mind to see my young daughter enter the gates of the JFK for her first time, just like I had done more than 30 years ago, as I'm sure that the top notch education and moral fiber she will receive at JFK will go a long way for her.
Regina Villegas Azanza. Class of 2009
JFK was my second home. I grew up there since kindergarten and graduated in 2009. After, I studied Communications at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) were I learned a lot about public relations, marketing and advertisement. I started working at Endeavor Mexico, a business accelerator that catalyzes long-term economic growth leading high impact entrepreneurs by rigorously selecting and mentoring the highest potential entrepreneurs to accelerate and scale them. As an Entrepreneur Selection & Senior Growth Analyst I learned about entrepreneurship, proyect management, strategic planning, marketing strategy and public relations. After working at Endeavor Mexico for 2 years I decided to open my own business. I am co-founder of QiBeauty.Bar, a spa focused on empowering women through self-love and well-being. I created QiBeauty.Bar to innovate and change people´s perspective about their body and skin. I believe in the concept of balance to have a peaceful and harmonious life. When one manages to find this balance in life then our energy flows positively, we feel good, we accept ourselves and we look forward to be our best version. My mission is to help you be your best self just as you are: incredible, unique and beautiful.I consider that JFK taught me about structure, discipline and empathy among many other incredible things. These concepts have helped me establish the foundations of my business to develop my processes, protocols and provide better customer service and quality in my services. I feel proud to be a jaguar!
María Marín Tijerina. Class of 2008
Me gradué del JFK en 2008, llegué de la Ciudad de México en 6° a Middle School y High School sin saber que estaría en una escuela que me cambiaría la vida. Principalmente, con mi deporte favorito (fútbol) jamás había jugado con niñas en mi anterior colegio porque no había un equipo. El JFK me dejó buenos momentos y compañeros que hasta la fecha siguen siendo mis mejores amigos.Terminando en JFK me mudé a Monterrey a estudiar Comunicación en el ITESM, cuatro años después me mudé a CDMX a terminar ahí la carrera para empezar a trabajar en lo que más me gusta, televisión. Después de trabajar como Asistente de Dirección en algunas series de TV para Sony (Top Chef México), Disney LATAM y TNT (Juan Gabriel), Discovery Channel (Mi Adicción mi Maldición) y Mundo Fox (Capitán Camacho y Maldita Tentación) decido a finales de 2015 fundar mi propia productora MOLO ( con dos amigos del Tec, en donde actualmente he logrado juntar dos de mis pasiones: la producción audiovisual y el fútbol, grabando varias campañas publicitarias para marcas como Bridgestone, Club América, Pumas, etc. en donde hemos tenido la oportunidad de compartir con talentos como Raúl Jiménez, Guillermo Ochoa, Moisés Muñóz, Javier Aquino, Rommel Pacheco, entre otros deportistas de alto rendimiento. Siempre tuve la ilusión de producir algo relacionado con música y fue en 2017, cuando sacamos el documental "Sueños en Ruta" en donde viajamos con Jorge Marazu (cantante español) y Lucas Masciano (cantante argentino) por CDMX, algunas ciudades de Guanajuato y San Cristóbal de las Casas dando conciertos que además de divertidos fueron un reto de producir por la república desde la Ciudad de México. En el tema fashion hemos producido campañas por temporada desde hace más de tres años para marcas de renombre como Paruno (marca mexicana de zapatos establecida en León, Guanajuato), Levi's, Dockers, etc. Y en temas de alimentos y electrodomésticos hemos trabajado con Chili's, LG, Kellogg's, Cerveza Victoria, entre otras.
Seguimos y seguiremos trabajando para crear mensajes que toquen las fibras de la gente por medio de audiovisuales, estamos en proceso de escritura de algunos guiones para series y cine. Esperamos en un futuro cercano poder incursionar en estos medios y con las distintas plataformas de distribución que existen hoy en día.
Andrea García Lascurain - Class of 2006
Students singing the national anthem, the melody of happiness as children ran ecstatically out of the classroom into the much-awaited recess, professor Chava's whistle during P.E., the animated rhythm of moms encouraging the Jaguars to win the game, the protesting voices of students as they defended their viewpoints in Roger's class... JFK filled my life with music, and today music is my life.JFK was the place where I had fun, where I laughed, where I cried, where I had long and intimate conversations with friends, and ultimately, where I flourished. My peers probably thought of me as that intellectual and friendly girl who was always good at math, and who was also a distinctively good listener, whether it was in the classroom, or waiting in line at the "tiendita"... little did they know that I had been a piano student since age 8, and led a parallel life as a pianist!
Music was my passion; I spent my afternoons in the company of Bach, Mozart and Haydn under the tutelage of pianist and composer Marta García Renart, whose valuable teachings lead me to become the three-time first place winner at the Esperanza Cabrera state piano contest. In high school, my friends prepared for the SATs and IB tests.... I prepared for my first concert as a soloist with Querétaro's Philharmonic Orchestra.
After I left JFK, I continued my piano education with the renowned pianist Arturo Nieto Dorantes at the Université Laval in Québec where, after auditioning with pieces by Chopin, Liszt and Beethoven, I was offered a place in their Bachelor of Music program. A door that led me into a career in music was opened, but my beloved JFK teachers, Miss Griselda, Bobby, Miss Marcela, to name a few, had also made me fall deeply in love with math and physics. After much soul-searching, I eventually decided to follow my mathematical instincts, leading me to earn a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at the ITESM, Monterrey Campus, and to work at a structural and seismic engineering firm in Mexico City.
All along, I continued my piano training, sometimes studying in class with pianist Mauricio Nader, and sometimes studying in my apartment, gripping firmly onto the pleasure and beauty of the sounds coming out of the black and white keys. I lived in a contrasting reality where I worked as an engineer for eight hours every day, wishing only that I could get back home soon so that I could work on Chopin's solo studies or Rachmaninoff's preludes for an hour.
This daily routine led me to question whether I had made the right career choice or not, but I ended up realizing that our paths in life are never right or wrong, they are simply unique. I decided to summon my JFK spirit and give an artistic twist to my engineering career, which translated into studying a Master’s Degree in Architectural Acoustics at La Salle in Barcelona, with special interest in acoustic design for concert halls. Several years have gone by; time flies by after all. Today I am back in Querétaro, working as a consultant in acoustics solutions and also as a professional piano performer, both on national and international stages, because, as I learned at JFK, I can be whoever I want as long as I put my heart into it. JFK touched my life deeply and its spirit still lives in me today; I grew up with the boys and girls who were, and are to this day, my best friends, who have been there to listen to me play on stage for over two decades, and with that cute high school crush who became my husband! My JFK teachers shaped my life with their love for education, and today I seek to shape our future generations as well, working also as a teacher and founding partner alongside my brother – also an ex-JFK student and pianist – at Lazkurain Musikala, our very own piano academy. We spread our love for music through the mesmerizing art of piano playing and, not surprisingly, many of our young students are also students at JFK.
Mariana Quintana Franco. Class of 2010
It’s been ten years since I graduated from JFK, I can’t believe how time passes by. I studied at JFK from Middle school to High school, and can honestly say, those have been some of the best years of my life so far.I have a few things going on right now, I currently have a private practice in which I work with adolescents and adults. I associated with a friend from college and we also create specialized career counseling courses for teenagers. Also I am working at JFK in High School teaching Psychology and TOK.
After graduating from JFK, I did my bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Universidad Anahuac, I loved the program and I realized Psychology is my passion. During my time at Universidad Anahuac, I studied abroad in Melbourne for a semester, those six months really opened up my eyes to many new things, both personally and professionally. During my studies at Monash University in Melbourne, I realized I had tremendous passion and interest in topics I had no exposure back home in Queretaro and I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone and explore them. Some of them were; “The moral psychology of evil” in which you get to analyze and study philosophical and psychological studies regarding the nature of evil, in light of psychological factors.
I learned a lot of things back there, more in-depth, that I had already studied at JFK, and that now they are part of my curriculum for Psychology Class. Other topics that I discovered I felt really passionate about while being there was “wellness” as an overall lifestyle. Everywhere in Melbourne, you could see the great importance Australians had for living a balanced life based on your complete well-being. So when I came back, and as the years have passed, I have been learning more and more about those topics and I’ve had the opportunity to incorporate them into my profession and daily practice. In the recent years, I have studied a lot of things regarding positive psychology, meditation, mindfulness, the science of well being, amongst many other things which I apply today in my day to day life and psychological practice.
I can honestly say that being an “Ex-Kennedy” has proven to be a great advantage throughout my life and studies. At JFK they always emphasized in always questioning everything that came our way, to see both sides of every story and never settle, tools that really helped me out to create great bonds with professors, classmates and personal relationships in general, soaking up as much knowledge as I can from every experience possible.
I can truthfully say that I am a proud ex-alumni. I can still recall many teaching moments with very special teachers that have marked me and that I carry those teachings with me. One of the best parts about working at JFK is that I now get to work with many previous amazing teachers, that are now my colleagues. We get to reminisce about anecdotes from when I was their student, I sometimes feel like they are still my teachers in so many ways, but now I get to drink coffee with them in the teachers’ room. I’m sure that if I hadn’t attended High school at JFK, my life wouldn’t have turned as it has for the last 10 amazing years.
When I went to sign my papers to HR, I remember Mariana and Dulce telling me “welcome back home” and you know what? It really feels like I home once again.
Sylvanna Gómez Gordillo Rodríguez. Class of 2012
El Kennedy fue mi segunda casa desde primero de kínder hasta que me gradué de prepa. Agradezco mucho haber formado parte de la comunidad JFK, el nivel académico es excelente; me preparó no solo para la universidad, sino para la vida.Al graduarme, comencé a estudiar Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos en la Universidad Iberoamericana CDMX. Sabía que la nutrición era mi pasión, sin embargo, no sabía exactamente en qué dirección continuar con mi carrera. Decidí comenzar a prepararme para aplicar a una maestría, y mientras tanto, estuve trabajando en una consultora de nutrición en el área de etiquetado nutricional.
Fui aceptada en la maestría de Nutrición y Metabolismo con especialidad en Alimentos Funcionales en la Universidad de Barcelona. Emprendí mi viaje a la mejor aventura de mi vida tanto en el aspecto profesional como en el personal.
Hoy estoy de vuelta en Querétaro, donde tengo mi propio consultorio (Tus Genes, Tu Dieta). Doy consultas presenciales en Juriquilla y también doy consultas en línea para poder llegar a más personas.
Me encanta seguir estudiando y actualizándome para tener las mejores herramientas para mis pacientes. Tengo certificaciones en dieta cetogénica y en nutrigenómica. Además he tomado cursos de nutrición y embarazo, salud hormonal, y medicina funcional.
Estoy muy agradecida de haber iniciado mi formación académica en el JFK ya que gracias a eso, estoy donde estoy ahora.
José Antonio Coll Guzmán. Class of 2002
“Este año cumplo 18 años que me gradué del JFK, ¡Qué rápido pasa el tiempo! Llegué en segundo de primaria y me quedé hasta el final; orgullosamente Kennediano. Después de irme un semestre a Europa y Estados Unidos, empecé mis estudios en el Tec de Monterrey en Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas en Querétaro. Me gradué y trabajé un par de años en MARS INC. en Marketing y de ahí decidí cambiar mi rumbo. Me vine a estudiar una Maestría en Ingeniería Ambiental en la Universidad Técnica de Múnich (TUM). Mi tesis de maestría la hice para AIRBUS (en ese entonces EADS) en un proyecto súper interesante para gestionar el fin de ciclo de vida de un avión de combate llamado Tornado. Esa fue mi puerta a la empresa donde trabajo hoy, AIRBUS. En AIRBUS empecé en gestión de proyectos para eficiencia energética, primero local, luego transdivisional y luego a nivel Europa. Continué mi desarrollo en diferentes divisiones de la empresa, conocí a mi esposa y estuvimos como expats 3 años en Francia donde nacieron mis dos tesoros, Vale y Nico. Regresamos a Múnich en el 2016 y en el 2017 surgió la oportunidad de tomar el puesto que tengo hoy, donde mi equipo y yo estamos a cargo de la infraestructura, energía, servicios y Real Estate de la planta de AIRBUS en Múnich.Hoy en día recuerdo con orgullo todo lo que aprendí en el JFK. Formamos un equipo de básquet y después de dos años de trabajo fuimos campeones por primera vez; trabajo en equipo. Otro aspecto muy importante es el enfoque internacional y multicultural ya que es un entorno que enriquece e inspira a conocer el mundo.
Raymundo Cid del Prado Lafaire Class of 1988
Al salir del JFK, estudié la carrera de Economía en el ITESM Campus Monterrey. Después de una breve carrera en el sector financiero y textil, tuve la oportunidad de estudiar un MBA en el Instituto de Empresa en Madrid. Al acabar mi postgrado -y desde entonces- me he desempeñado en el Sector Alimentario.Estoy a cargo de Food Solutions y subsidiarias. Me apasiona lo que hago y tengo la fortuna de estar al frente de un gran equipo de colaboradores. El ser el proveedor más grande de alcachofas en el país, atender a más de tres mil autoservicios, administrar más de 130 productos o generar categorías nuevas como el de las ensaladas orgánicas , nos enfrenta constantemente a un sinfín de retos logísticos, comerciales y climatológicos que nos hacen buscar soluciones de forma inmediata. El cuidado del medio ambiente, el aportar a un estilo de vida más saludable y el hacer un mejor México para todos, son parte de nuestro ADN.
Todavía tengo en la memoria los nombres de muchos de mis maestros y compañeros en el JFK . Sin lugar a duda, sus enseñanzas, risas, consejos y experiencias, me dieron las bases para continuar con éxito mi desarrollo profesional y personal.
Martin (Lee) Leddy Class of 1975
Después de salir de JFK en 1975 entré al ejército Norte Americano con especialidad de electrónica y telecomunicaciones. Después de 12 años de servicio militar trabajando en varios países en Europa, el Norte de Africa, América Central y del Sur, dejé el servicio activo y entre a la Reserva del Ejército. A la misma vez empecé una carrera de Policía. En el Ejército de Reserva fui un Agente Federal de Investigaciones Criminales asignado al equipo de protección del Secretario de Defensa Norte Americana.Fui movilizado varías veces al servicio activo y en 2004 fui uno de los Agentes encargados de protección de VIP en Iraq. Entre el 2003 y el 2010 viaje a más de 12 países haciendo el trabajo de protección personal de los VIP del Departamento de Defensa Norteamericana.
A la vez cuando no estaba movilizado como Soldado, era un Teniente de Policía para la Ciudad de Federal Way cerca de Seattle. Me jubile del Departamento de Policía en el 2009 y del Ejercito en 2010.
Entre al servicio civil como consejero de Investigaciones para el Gobierno Norte Americano y la OTAN en Iraq y Afghanistan por casi 5 años. Regrese a los Estados Unidos en el 2014 y me pidieron regresar al Departamento de Policía en Federal Way de nuevo. Sigo trabajando allí ahora asignado como un Detective de Asaltos Especiales enfocado en investigaciones de crímenes sexuales y de abuso físico de niños y investigaciones de de abuso de niños en el internet. Como si no fuera suficiente, también soy un negociador de crisis con el equipo de SWAT y soy el único Detective en la Ciudad que habla Español.
Finalmente lo más importante en mi vida es mi familia. Mi esposa y yo llevamos 33 años casados y mis hijos también están ya casados. Uno de ellos es un Chef viviendo y trabajando en Seattle. El otro trabaja en Iraq como un civil técnico de aeronaves y electrónica.
Marimar Bravo. Class of 2007
After JFK, I studied a semester of Biotechnology and Economics at the University of Waterloo in Ontario and then went on to complete my BSc in Biotechnology Engineering at the Tec of Monterrey Campus Querétaro. I chose this degree because it focused on two of my favorite subjects: mathematics and science; and I specialised in Molecular Biology. After that, I completed my Master’s Degree in Biotechnology and Enterprise at the University of Manchester. I was interested in learning how to commercialize science to be able to take a product from the bench to the market. During my Master’s, my research project involved the genetic engineering of microalgae to evaluate the possibility of creating edible vaccines to use in aquaculture. I really enjoyed my work in the lab, so I decided to continue doing research and I went on to do a PhD at the University of Oxford. My research project was very multidisciplinary, and included work in fields such as nanotechnology, chemical engineering, plant sciences and microbiology. During my time at JFK, I always enjoyed all the science classes. I also remember how much I liked the trip to Nayarit, where we collected and analyzed plankton and studied the diversity of flora and fauna. When you think of it, it has a lot to do with what I do now.I consider that JFK’s stronger subjects are math and science, and english of course. The three of them helped my future studies. Today, I have just finished my doctoral studies and will be working on the application of microalgae in different industries such as agriculture, cosmetics, nutrition and biofuels.
Federico Alatriste Harrsch. Class of 2003
I studied Psychology at the UVM in Querétaro after graduating from JFK. On my last semester, I started working with athletes, loved it and looked for a Masters in Sports Psychology. I ended up studying in Sevilla where I did this Masters and another one in Clinical Practice as well. While living in Sevilla, I worked for the Real Betis balompié, Sevilla's soccer team. After a year of working there, I came back to Mexico to work with Santos Laguna, sadly after a year of working there, I came back to Querétaro. That's when I decided to give back to the community that made me what I am today and worked almost for 3 years at JFK as the Sports Psychologist. After that amazing experience at JFK, I was presented with the opportunity to go back to the soccer world by working with Gallos Blancos F.C. I worked there for almost 3 years. Last year I decided to start my own practice and at the same time started teaching at the Sistema Nacional de Capacitación of the Federación Mexicana de Futbol, where I teach Sports Psychology to the soon to be Coaches. To learn to think outside the box is the most important skill I learned from JFK back in the day, therefore, is the one thing I always try to teach those around me. "There is no greatness in keeping your ideas to yourself, don't be afraid to share them and defend them, 'cause I'm coming for you if you do share them" Roger always used to say.Rafael Cueli Cue. Class of 2011
After graduating from JFK, I enrolled in Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro in the Communications program, where I developed an increasing passion for Public Relations and Advertising. After having the opportunity of studying abroad in Madrid for a semester, I experienced the joy of an internship in a great Public Relations agency and later started my professional career working with clients in the aerospace hub, healthcare providers, department stores, startups, and private universities, including Universidad Anáhuac. I´ve worked there for the past two years as Public Relations and Fundraising Manager, building strong academic relations with public and private entities, and the university’s Board members. At the same time, I’m working on my Masters in Market Intelligence and I was recently hired as a professor of the School of Communications. I really enjoy engaging with my class and I’m excited to motivate students, just like my JFK teachers motivated me and helped shape me into who I am today.
Jorge del Villar Fausto Class of 2005
I graduated from JFK in 2005 after going through its entire K-12th program. I then started a Bachelor´s Degree in Marketing and decided to spend a semester in Ontario, Canada, at Laurentian University. At the same time, a couple of friends and I started our own business, developing websites. I eventually launched my own advertising company here in Queretaro, ANUNCIAR T, where we´ve worked with local and nationwide customers such as Bonafont, Palacio de Hierro, Bardahl, Queretaro´s Tourism agency, among others. We have now entered the US market through a new presence in Dallas, Texas with a subsidiary, named Vaquero Advertising, focused on digital marketing.My years with the JFK family gave a solid foundation to propel my career forward, and for that I´m thankful. I have the fondest of memories from my time there.
Fernanda Morán Ledesma Class of ‘07
After graduating from JFK, I studied Agronomy at ITESM QRO. Right after, I got a master’s degree in Business Administration and worked on poultry production and bell peppers in greenhouses.This may sound weird, but the IB Art Program (photography) triggered my interest in wildlife conservation. I was finally able to study Biology, where I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate in conservation projects, such as pronghorn repopulation, Mexican wolf reintroduction, and jaguar livestock coexistence in Queretaro´s Sierra Gorda. I'm currently halfway through completing a Master’s Degree on Biological Sciences.
I learned a lot at JFK. Apart from academics, I still play sports, especially soccer, and I still carry my camera everywhere. I can say that 12 years at JFK gave me the tools and skills to achieve professional and personal goals, but the most important thing I got after all those years: my friends.
María Fernanda Zenizo. Class of 1995
Studying at JFK taught me to be honest, persistent and tough. I had great teachers like Miss Margaret in 3rd grade who taught me that learning could be fun, Miss Carol who helped shape my character in 5th, Mr. Walker and Miss Corso in Jr. High and Peter Kelly in High School when I graduated in 1995. But most importantly what I learned at JFK is that even in the toughest circumstances, if I really put my heart and work into it, I could accomplish anything. Today, I own a successful company called Accupeople Intelab dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of people in companies. I work in a niche that everybody was afraid to go into: people and honesty in the workplace is always a very sensible subject to address, however fraud, corruption and dishonesty are always problems that cost companies a lot of money. We decided to face that problem head on by creating software (INTELAB) that uses formal axiology as an instrument to measure people´s values and asses their risk factor. As a result, companies can manage their risk and become better workplaces by fixing their lack of values and improving their organizational climate. Today, we are working with important banks and International companies, helping them to decrease their human risk factor as well as their fraud and corruption problems. We are starting to expand into Latin America and will soon go into other countries as well. I have also been serving as President of the Anti-corruption and Anti-money laundering Committee at IMEF (Instituto Mexicano de Finanzas) for the last 2 years and am an International speaker addressing Anti-corruption and Human Risk Factors. I love to be able to do something of value for society and my country. I am sure that I learned my best skills at JFK and have always been praised for my English which I learned there. Thank you for everything!Verónica Solís García. Class of 2001
A couple of weeks ago one of my best friends, one I hadn’t seen in 8 years and after the birthing of two children , came to visit. In an outburst of cheesiness we decided to meet where we met 25 years ago, so we set up an alumni tour to our beloved JFK. I can’t even begin to explain our surprise at how changed the school is. It’s grown so much, most of the buildings in which we had classes have been replaced by bigger and nicer ones, and there are some new features like the auditorium and cafeteria, but we could still feel the essence of the school, it still felt familiar. I took a deep breath and thought of how those changes mirror the changes in our lives. We have grown and forged our own paths, we are not little kids anymore, but our essence is the same, too, and we could feel it there, even after the long years that took us separate ways. After graduating from High School I studied biology at the UAQ, did a master’s degree in restoration ecology at the UNAM, and participated in conservation projects in northern Mexico. In Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, I worked at CEDO, an environmental conservation NGO where I collaborated in environmental education programs, research projects, and the first Environmental Impact Assessment done with small-scale fishermen in the Upper Gulf of California (part of the efforts to protect the vaquita marina). In Janos, Chihuahua, I collaborated with the UNAM in conservation and restoration efforts like the black-footed ferret reintroduction and monitoring program, prairie dog and cattle projects, ecological history surveys, the Action Plan for the Conservation of American Bison, and the bison reintroduction project that brought the first conservation herd back to Mexico. Later on I joined the family business, still with a conservation hue, exporting high-temperature metal scrap to the USA and Germany for recycling purposes, proudly helping both the economy and the environment.
I remember that in the different stages of this winding road I felt thankful and privileged for the strong foundations I got from studying at JFK. I made great friends and had a lot of fun, but also got an outstanding education that gave me the keys to open many doors I couldn’t have fathomed back then. Being not just bilingual, but bicultural gave me an edge when applying to schools, jobs, and grants. The critical and analytical thinking abilities that I developed there allowed me to pursue a successful career in science. I also learned to accept myself and others as we are, with our differences and similarities, and that has proved helpful in my personal and professional life. I know that the person I've become is a collage of the experiences, people I’ve met, and of the challenges I’ve faced. I constantly think back to those early years at JFK with fond memories and appreciation for the essence the teachers, friends and school helped me create, one that still perfumes my everyday pursuits.
Pablo Anton Díaz Class of 2003
I spent all my childhood years at JFK and even to this day the school continues to appear in some of my dreams. After finishing high school, I moved to study my Bachelors in Economics at ITAM in Mexico City, where I spent most of my free time playing music in different bars across the city and occasionally recording original music. After graduating, I worked for the World Bank doing research in Mexico City and had the opportunity to study my masters at Columbia University in New York City, where I've been living ever since. I currently work as a researcher for a non-profit in Washington DC that focuses on trying to promote global financial inclusion in developing countries, and I also continue to play in a rock band during my spare time. We just played Force Fest here in Mexico a month ago with a lot of cool bands I discovered while I was at JFK, such as System of a Down and Alice in Chains.Music has always been an integral part of my life and who I am, and I have consistently been playing in bands since I was 12, while also maintaining a professional career on the side. JFK encouraged me to cultivate this aspect of my life in conjunction with my studies, and some of my most fond memories there are related to music as well: Prof. Alvaro's music workshop, organizing "tocadas" in friend's backyards in Jurica to play rock and punk covers, being collectively shocked and sad about Newsted quitting Metallica during school recess, and learning about cool new bands while swapping CD's at friends' houses. I don't know if this is still the case, but there were a lot of musicians at JFK when I was there!
Adriana Lobato. Class of 2007
Attending JFK School forged who I am today. Looking back, my time at JFK was definitely one of the most memorable periods in my life; I played football, did theatre, and photography, I was in Model UN and participated in community work. JFK helped me develop my passion for social justice and gain knowledge of local and global issues. I graduated in 2007 and I had an unclear idea of what to do next, I had to focus all my passions into one thing. I went on to study graphic design, but I realized I wanted a broader design spectrum, so I decided to become an architect.I studied architecture at ITESM QRO, where several times I was involved organizing an International Architecture Conference ITESM+ Arquine, inviting world class architects.
I also enrolled in TAAC, an active workshop where we designed and built projects in communities in need. While in university I worked part time in a local architecture firm alongside one of my professors who became my mentor. In addition I participated in several exchange workshops in Chicago, Peru, Finland and Korea. My international experiences enhanced my creativity and expanded my horizons.
After graduating I was awarded the Governors Scholarship for developing an urban mobility plan. I went to continue my studies in The Washington Center where I completed a diploma in Project Management and Public Policy. While in D.C. also completed an internship in a top architecture firm, designing George Town University dorms, the Florida School of the Arts new building, as well developing master planning for other universities. Once a week I volunteered as a teacher in local schools to bring architecture into children’s development.
Having all the travel and intercultural experience has transformed and expanded my entire view on life; it enhanced my love of travel and cultural exposure. I was drawn to the idea of working abroad while traveling. Exposure to varying modes and means of cultural expression forces a sense of openness to the possibilities that can further enhance one’s ability to become a creative thinker and designer, a person more open to explore more diverse ideas, traditions, routines and culture. These experiences enabled me to see global patterns of how we live, work and shape our urban environments. Most importantly though, I learned how to live in the moment and to appreciate the small things.
Consequently, I decided to move to the South East Asia region of the world I was intrigued with. I landed a job in Malaysia working for an international Architecture firm designing large scale projects, mainly mix-use developments, as well as shopping malls, high residential towers and luxury resorts in South East Asia. After 4 years in Kuala Lumpur; I have recently moved to Singapore, and now work for an international award winning Architecture and Urban Planning firm, with a multi-disciplinary approach working on innovative, city-changing projects that move our industry forward, and contribute positively to society. We are designing large scale projects across the world, like the new Miami Cruise Terminal, as well as designing new sustainable and livable cities in China, a new self-sufficient island the Middle East, etc. My goal is to achieve sustainable living systems through designing holistic and integrated spaces connecting people with the environment and making our cities more livable.
Noel Ibañez Gutiérrez. Class of 2001
From pre-first to high school I had the privilege to be part of the JFK Family. During that time, I met my best friends and brothers for life. I had a lot of good experiences that I still remember with a smile. After completing my studies at JFK, I went on to Tec de Monterrey to obtain my Bachelors in International Business. Just before finishing, I started working in Procurement at Kellogg Company. Since 2006 I have been part of Kellogg LATAM Procurement team.Besides my formal work, I became a volunteer rescuer having participated in different disasters around the world including: Guatemala’s Earthquake, Oaklahoma’s Tornado, Jalisco’s Hurricane and the latest Mexico City Earthquake. With the help of one of my friends that I have known since pre-first, we have created “Kalan Operaciones Especiales” Search and Rescue Team. Thanks to the friendship, values and experiences at JFK I have been able to achieve all of this.
Diana Ostos Rangel. Class of 2007
I studied Biotechnology at the Tec de Monterrey, and started my career as a researcher, working on projects related to bioprocess engineering, recombinant protein expression in bacteria, and genetic assembly in yeast. After completing a Masters in Synthetic Biology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Basel, I moved back to Mexico and into the work field.I entered a Graduate Development Program in a flavor and ingredients company in San Juan del Río, and specialized in Operations Finance. In 2018, I joined McKinsey & Company, one of the most prestigious management consulting firms in the world, where I have been involved in projects ranging from card payments to lean manufacturing.
I love adventure sports; especially paragliding. I also practice ultimate frisbee - which, incidentally, I played for the very first time at JFK... back when we had to keep a written journal for sports class!
Thanks a lot!
Almudena Villareal. Class of 2012
After graduating from JFK high school, I moved to La Paz, BCS, México to study Marine Biology at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. A few semesters into my career, I joined the non-profit organization “Pelagic Life” to help change shark fishing for shark tourism. While working with them I met my current husband. We got married after I graduated as a marine biologist and shortly after we had a baby. After graduating, my husband and I opened an eco-tourism company here in La Paz which focused on introducing the activity of swimming with sharks in the area. Sadly, due to lack of budget we had to sell the company. Currently we own a sailboat where we offer guided tours around the bay and plan to focus on scientific research on board the sailboat. I´m thankful for the science education offered at JFK, as it made it possible for me to become a marine biologist and made me who I am today.David Sayavedra Sahagún. Class of 2009
From kindergarten to high school, I was part of the JFK community. Great friends, great teachers and a unique way of learning were part of my JFK experience. After completing my studies at JFK, I enrolled at Tec de Monterrey obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Finance. During my first semester of college I signed up for photography courses as an extracurricular activity. As the semesters went by, my passion for photography increased. Then, just about halfway through my studies, I decided to formally study a degree in photography in a prestigious school of photography in Querétaro. I was able to combine my career alongside my passion for photography, eventually obtaining both degrees. Nowadays I do what I love: I am a freelance photographer, but also I work at my family firm.I definitely had many great years at JFK.
Daniela Arias Vargas. Class of 2000
After high school I had the privilege to study Clinical Psychology in three different universities and countries: Australia, Argentina and Mexico. I worked for 2 years as a therapist until again I packed my bags and continued my journey back again to Australia where I competed a masters in Gender Studies and International Relations. I have a nomadic soul I think, so after working in Turkey on a research project with African migrants, I set off once again, only this time the coordinates pointed North. Currently, I live and work in Germany and am a researcher associate in the University of Oldenburg, and I am also the program coordinator of a Masters study program in Migration Studies and Intercultural studies. I am sure that my years at the JFK were a very important building block for what after became my passion, exploring different realities and ways of being in this world and trying as much as possible to contest social inequality and oppression. Even when I am constantly and happily "on the move", I always carry my home with me, and as they say home is where your heart is.
Santiago Taracena. Class of 2012
After graduating from JFK in 2012, I went on to study Economics at ITAM in Mexico City. I pursued my interest in an energy finance-oriented career throughout my time at ITAM and worked as a gas and power market research and analysis intern at IHSMarkit. A year later, I joined the Equity Research team at Credit Suisse as an intern in Mexico City and upon graduating from college I was promoted to a full-time analyst with coverage of the Latin America cement and energy & petrochemicals sectors. I am currently responsible to research public companies, project earnings, follow market trends, and produce reports and recommendations for international institutional investors.I am very thankful for all the years I spent at JFK. I would not be where I am today were it not for the mentors, professors, and friends who supported my work and believed in me. It’s amazing how I’m still reaping the benefits of my JFK education.
María Luisa de la Parra. Class of 2011
After graduating from JFK, I studied Fashion Design & Fashion Industry at Universidad del Valle de Mexico and then went to Milan, Italy, to study Fashion Management and Trendscouting. I came back to Mexico, got married and started my own company, Localista Estudio, dedicated to coaching fashion companies and helping them to grow and have effective retail strategies. Also, I recently got into Anahuac as a professor in fashion school.JFK was a great place to grow and learn, in an international environment, which not only gave me friends from around the world, but also a global vision which helped me to succeed abroad.
Mónica Elizabeth Medina Viramontes. Class of 2001
I have spent all my life at the Kennedy, and have many fond memories of the time I spent here. I graduated with the 2001 generation. This school helped me to excel in my studies, allowing me to receive a sports and academic scholarship.In the 4th grade, I was contacted by the athletic team and from that day on, my life changed. As of today, I am 35 years old and I am still competing nationally. In July of this year, I won the National Championship Track and Field Master in the Heptathlon competition (100m with hurdles, high jump, shot put, 200m run, long jump, javelin throw and 800m run) in the category of 35 to 40 years. I would like to thank all the educators who are still at JFK and those who have already left. You have all allowed me to become the person I am today. For this I am infinitely grateful
María José Guerrero Sánchez. Class of 2011
From ASOMEX tournaments, to the Kermesse, the Christmas Bazaar, and many more events, I always enjoyed my time at JFK. It not only was the best option academically, but also the place where I made my best friends. After graduating I enrolled in the Tec de Monterrey, Querétaro campus to study Communication and Digital Media, had the opportunity to do 3 International Programs, and received my Bachelor’s Degree in 2016. I currently work in Eslabón Urbano, an urban planning firm that oversees real-estate projects from housing developments to commercial and industrial projects. It might seem like my career has shifted greatly from my degree, but I am in the Public Relations/Sales department and I enjoy it thoroughly. I will always fondly remember JFK because of all of the amazing experiences, the friends I made, and the teachers who had an impact on my life.
Loretta Rodríguez. Class of 2005
From the Kindergarten until grade 12, I spent many memorable times here at JFK with many great people. I met my best friends here, who I still stay in touch with to this day. There were also excellent teachers who gave me many learning opportunities and tools for my future.After graduation, I spent a semester in France and Germany where I had the opportunity to work as a horse training assistant, which is one of my biggest passions. This experience gave me qualities allowing me to be perseverant, disciplined and energetic. It also allowed me to work on my goals, where I achieved to be the national champion in a horse back riding competition. Upon returning to Mexico, I studied at the Tec de Monterrey Campus in Querétaro. I studied in the field of Food Engineer, with the purpose of creating a dream.
In college, I spent a semester in Australia and in Argentina. After graduation I went to Africa to live with a Masai Tribe in Kenya. Upon completing my volunteer work, I travelled around Africa, where I experienced one of my best moments with my parents, working as a team climbing one of the biggest mountains in the world, the KILIMANYARO in Tanzania, which is 5895 meters high!
After that, I returned to Queretaro to work at a dairy company named Lyncott. Thanks to the amazing boss I had, I could continue with my dream which was to create a butcher shop, featuring an excellent quality of meat, but above all to ensure that the process allows us distribute meat that is organic and grass fed. Now my family and I are working in the production of a wild Mezcal named RANCHO LA QUINTA
Cristina Saucedo. Class of 2006
After graduating from JFK, I spent a year abroad in which I had the opportunity to live and work first in London and afterwards in Verbier, Switzerland working as a snowboard instructor. Upon returning to Mexico, I enrolled in the Communication Sciences program in Queretaro. Right after graduation, I moved to Mexico City to work for a company that specializes in skiing and snowboarding, which allowed me to travel to many different ski resorts across the United States.Three years later, I decided to volunteer in Bali, Indonesia to help with the construction of a kindergarten in Ubud. I also was part of a turtle conservation program in Nusa Penida and taught English to Balinese children. Upon completing my volunteer work, I traveled around Southeast Asia with my sister until I settled in Thailand for a couple of months working towards my Divemaster certification.
After that, I came back to Mexico City where I started working as a KAM for a marketing company, where I currently work as a "New Businesses Manager". I now also work as a freelance travel agent for the same ski and snowboard company and as a CM for an NGO called Pelagic Life, which helps protect Mexico's oceans by promoting sustainable tourism.
I am very thankful for all the years I spent at JFK. The time I spent here gave me the opportunity to not only learn, but to also challenge myself and to never let go of what I am passionate about.
Nara Elizabeth Lara Pompa. Class of 2005
After graduating from JFK, I went on to study Human Nutrition at the Autonomous University of Querétaro, during which time I had the chance to live and study in Australia for a year. I completed my BSc thesis at the National Institute of Nutrition Salvador Zubirán in Mexico City, in the area of Nutrigenomics research, where I also spent the next year working as a CONACYT research assistant.Upon completing my BSc degree, I decided to switch from bench-side research to clinical nutrition practice and research. I have always enjoyed working with people and feeling that your everyday work can have a direct impact on people’s wellbeing. I completed a MSc degree in Clinical Nutrition and Public Health with Distinction at University College London (UCL) in the UK. I decided to further specialize with a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Paediatric Dietetics endorsed by the British Dietetic Association, and went on to complete a PhD in Clinical Paediatric Nutrition at the UCL Institute of Child Health.
I am now working as a Specialist Paediatric Dietitian at the Children’s Oncology Hospital Teleton in Queretaro, while also lecturing students from MSc and BSc degrees at the Autonomous University of Queretaro, and carrying out research into the diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition in paediatric patients with complex diseases. I spend my days doing what I am most passionate about: helping children improve their nutritional wellbeing and thus supporting them and their families through what is understandably a challenging time in their lives.
My time at JFK was full of fond memories and lasting friendships that have remained with me always. I am grateful for the lessons, challenges and experiences that helped shape who I am and what I do today.
Fernando Vielma Délano. Class of 2004
After spending the best years of my life at JFK, and making the best memories with my teachers and friends, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering in Tec de Monterrey and an Master’s in Business Administration from EGADE Business School.I’m currently the Director of Canacintra Querétaro, where we represent the manufacturing industry in Queretaro. We are committed to promoting companies’ improvements and growth and being a bridge between these companies and the government. I’ve encountered many interesting people working here and have built good relationships.
I’m very thankful for my years spent at JFK, since it was there where I was motivated to achieve my goals in life and to never give up, no matter what the obstacles.
Mauricio Simón Múgica. Class of 2010
I've always thought that having a good basis within your education will open many doors, that's why I feel really grateful for having the opportunity to study at J.F.K.Currently, I'm a pilot in an Airbus A320, which transports 180 passengers. It’s a great responsibility, and let me tell you, the feeling of walking through the airport terminals wearing my pilots uniform is priceless!
The road to get here hasn't been easy, but I think that if you fight for your dreams you will surely succeed.
Go for it!
Daniela Martínez del la Escalera Clapp. Class of 2006
In the blink of an eye twelve years have passed since I graduated high school at JFK. Since that time, I became a clinical psychologist and completed a Master’s degree in Family Therapy. I currently have my private practice in Juriquilla, Querétaro where I help children, teenagers, families and couples cope with emotional, behavioral and social issues. My number one goal is to promote my patients’ well-being; creating a safe space were we can engage in meaningful conversations that lead to new possibilites and solutions to their problems.I will forever be grateful for the years I attended JFK; my home for almost 11 years. The place where I encountered teachers and friends that will forever have a special place in my heart as well as giving me wings to believe in my dreams, ask questions, be curious, enjoy learning, and to always work hard in order to achieve my goals.
Bruno Stump. Class of 2007
I have been in Switzerland, my second home, for almost six years now. Originally, I had planned on joining the army, so I completed studies in Canton Ticino to be a military paramedic. To add to my adventures --beyond wearing camouflage-- I wanted to complete a Master’s degree in my second passion which is wine. To do this, I had to study Enology Engineering and complete a year of practicum at a wine cellar to achieve my current title: a Master’s of Science in Winemaking and Viticulture.After finishing my studies, I am currently completing one last experience in the military: a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo for eight months. In March, I received the medal of Non article 5: Balkans from NATO, an honor that very few people in the world have received.
I want to send warm greetings to my dear Kennedy from this magical place called Kosovo!
Andrea Álvarez. Class of 2008
Ten years have passed since I graduated from JFK and somehow I keep coming back. It was a huge experience and it definitely marked my path until now. I studied Digital Arts and Animation at the ITESM Campus Querétaro and I currently own a company called BIH-LOH Advertising. It is a multimedia agency, based in Queretaro, that specializes in audiovisual production, web development, design and digital strategy with Community Management.My years at JFK taught me to embrace challenges and to know that there is a whole world outside that you can reach with the right actions.
Eugenio Parrodi Wiechers. Class of 2008
Studying at JFK had a remarkable impact in my personal and professional development. After studying for more than 12 years at JFK, I received a golf scholarship to play NCAA Division 1 College Golf in the United States where I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing.Studying at Kennedy not only helped me be accepted there but also to be prepared for life abroad. After living for more than six years in the US, I decided to move back to Mexico and sometime after, I got my MBA at Tec de Monterrey EGADE. Today, I am currently living in Mexico and taking part in a personal winemaking project as I study the Winemaker´s Certificate Program at the University of California Davis.
I am very thankful not only to all of my teachers but also to the Kennedy society and alumni who helped me all along the way. Go Jaguars!
Diego Tomas Glazer Stump. Class of 2010
The John F. Kennedy school was very important in my development as a painter and as a human being. Since we were always in contact with other cultures and perspectives it was a very good environment to learn how to see beyond myself and be less judgmental about things that were outside my comfort zone.The art program helped me know what I wanted to achieve I went to San Miguel to study Visual Arts, where I could put into practice the tools given to me by my teachers and friends which were very important in shaping my view of the world. After graduating I had the opportunity to study at the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy, for three years, where I would develop skills that helped me become a better painter and keep learning about myself and my capabilities. As of now I’m living in Querétaro again, where I set up my art studio. I have participated in different exhibits and find myself currently working on creating a body of work that speaks of the person I am and the way I see the world, which is very important to me and the path I want to take as a painter.
I am very thankful of JFK for giving me the values and bases that helped shape the person that I am today.
Andrés González De Rosenzweig. Class of 2009
Hey Everyone! In the 13 years I studied at JFK I learned basically everything I know, but the single most important lesson was the happiness that comes from having a bit to do in each other's well-being. I graduated JFK nine years ago and I directly went on to study Medicine in the Autonomous University of Querétaro, aided by the tools of a comprehensive knowledge in science born out of curiosity from the very heart of Miss Inge's science lab all the way to an amazingly complete IB Biology course. At University, I realized that my experiences in Mr. Heath's and Miss Geo's Model UN inspired me to be a leader. I was able to take an active role in the student council and the academic council at the faculty of medicine. Then, I went on to achieve the top grade during my internship and to receive Best Performance recognition for my Social Service.From skills like as simple as management of specialized search databases and the selection of quality evidence and understanding of scientific articles to the advanced reading comprehension and essay writing methods, JFK has been by my side at all times. Today, as a physician, the ability to understand and empathize with a multicultural community extends the reach of my practice across many cultural barriers.
At JFK I learned to understand and respect others since I learned alongside classmates and teachers from all across the globe but most importantly from all across the ideological spectrum. After graduating I began my private practice and I co-founded Medics Medical Services in May 2017, a 24/7 medical service which has rapidly grown since then, serving locals in Querétaro and its growing foreign community. You can check it out at In the short-term I hope to become an ENT doctor and to continue growing as a professional, as a businessman and as a human being.
Juan Manuel Cardoso. Class of 1998
Hello Jaguars! May name is Juan Manuel Cardoso. After graduating JFK I earned a medical general surgeon degree and later on a masters in Psychiatry Summa cum Laude at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I really wanted to continue my training so I decided to study an MBA at UDLA University. Later, I was delighted to have the opportunity to go to Harvard business school, where I graduated from the program Mastering Negotiation Processes last year. Now, I work with international pharmaceutical industry companies. My core activities are related to "bringing the science behind the drugs to a friendly environment so the general public, health care practitioners and patients have reliable sources of scientific information to promote healthy lifestyles through digital channels based on neuro marketing praxis.” I am responsible for delivering ethical and scientific product claims to avoid fines and penalties from regulatory international agencies. Health care must always be guided with strong and reliable support information for the public, we well as empower patients to engage with healthcare practitioners for diagnosis or timely treatment.How did JFK influence me? , Well, JFK made us believe that everything was possible if we worked for the greater good, not just as individuals, "think before you act," and the best way to think outside of the box and achieve our success with strong ethical values and academic preparation. JFK is not just a school, is a well- planned learning center of continuous and long-lasting education. JFK will remain as one of my fondest memories
Alejandro Villarreal Larrauri. Class of 2010
It’s been 8 years since I graduated from JFK to this day. Completing a Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Development Engineering at the Tec de Monterrey, and a Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering in France, I am currently in my second year of my PhD in Energy, Mechanics, and Materials, carried out jointly at the University of Lorraine and at the French Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety Institute (IRSN). On a day-to-day basis, I study the interactions of the molten nucleus of a nuclear reactor within the containment building, to develop models for a simulation software that allows us to understand the phenomena at stake during these extreme cases. In general, along with the people from my laboratory, the objective is to study and/or validate safety measures that guarantee that in the event of nuclear core meltdown the radioactive material remains inside the containment building.Who could have said that the chain reaction that lead me to one of the most prestigious nuclear safety research institutes began at JFK!
Arianne Milan. Class of 2012
After graduating from JFK in 2012, I went on to study Business and Entrepreneurship at Babson College in Boston. I quickly decided to switch paths and transferred to New York University, just one semester into college. I graduated from NYU’s College of Arts and Science, earning a B.A. in Economics and minors in Mathematics and French, and having been President of the CAS Finance Club during my junior and senior years. Since finishing high school, I’ve also interned at several banks and real estate firms in NYC and Mexico City, and upon graduating from college, I joined the NYC Global Wealth team at BBVA Compass Bank. I currently assist in managing relationships and accounts for our ultra-high net worth clients, developing and growing the bank’s Private Equity dealings, and extending loans to clients in the Wealth and Commercial sectors. Along with this role, I am also the NYC Economic Development Coordinator for BBVA Compass’ Corporate Responsibility Program.I still carry the fondest memories of JFK with me, never forgetting the values and fundamentals that I learned from teachers and peers alike, and applying them to my work and life every day.
Lorenia Rincón. Class of 1980
Lorenia Rincon. Class of 1980 My fondest memories and my best friends to this date are from the time I spent at JFK. I also learned the basic skills that would later guide me towards my passion: conference interpreting. I received my degree in Business Management and later I became a conference interpreter. Today I live in Cancun, Mexico where I have my own business and work as freelance conference interpreter and translator. My profession has allowed me to learn about many topics and has allowed me to travel throughout Mexico, as well as abroad.The years I spent at JFK with classmates from different countries and cultures opened my eyes, expanded my curiosity and helped me dream about "doing something with the English language" that could allow me to meet different people and travel to different places. I never dreamed that things would turn out the way they did.
Becky Rubenstein Class of 1974
I am Becky Rubenstein. I studied to be a lawyer, and graduated from law school. But Idon´t work as a lawyer, I work as an interpreter in the judiciary and am now the Interpreter Coordinator for the Federal Court in a district in California. We interpret simultaneously back and forth between those charged with a crime and the court and the other court participants. Our job is to make sure that the defendants are on the same footing as English speakers in the courtroom. In order to interpret in the Federal Courts or the State Courts in the U.S. one must pass a Certification Exam. The pass rate for the Federal Court Exam is less than seven percent and for the California State Certification exam, it is less than twelve percent. However, I think that many of the basic skills that allowed me to pass those exams and work in this highly sought after field, I obtained while studying at Kennedy. It is such unique learning environment, with so many resources. I am a primary English speaker, and I feel like the Spanish that I learned there, was designed to specifically address the problems I had. I am so grateful to my teacher, this was a huge gift.
Daniela Villaseñor Echávarri Class of 2013
Today I confirm how important and valuable my experiences and my learning were at the JFK. There is where my dreams began, and the plans that I am turning into realities today. I study Marketing and Communications, a career that covered my interest and curiosity for business as well as the creative approach. I am currently working on a project with Ogilvy and Mather, one of the best and most recognized advertising agencies worldwide. We created strategic proposals for the English chain of gas stations: BP, in order to enter the Mexican market. On the other hand, I work in public relations at Rosella Magazine, a project that captured me because of its mission to support entrepreneurship and the enormous capacity of Mexican women. I am also a flamenco teacher, a passion that I discovered during my Kennedy years and that although sometimes there is a lack of time, it is something that I hope to keep present in my life always. I thank the JFK for giving me everything I received. Since I graduated in 2013 I am aware of the competencies that I forged without realizing and I decided to use those skills for the common good, always with humility. THANKS KENNEDY.
Andrew Gabelic Class of ‘06
My name is Andrew Gabelic, I live in New York but I will move back to México City in 6 months. I am working on two personal projects, one of them is a company and the other one is an online course. Teledipity is a personal development application and is a virtual course that made for Latino students who want to study at the university or masters level in the United States. This course focuses mainly on developing excellent admissions essays.Anyway, I love Kennedy and I have so many amazing memories of the school!
Karla Munguía Colmenero. Class of 2005
When I was seventeen I discovered a channel that blew my mind away: Animal Planet. From the moment I saw that first take of a cheetah chasing and antelope, I said “I want to be the one behind the camera”.
The link published in Discovery’s Network’s site led me to a window that read: “If you speak English, know how to handle a camera and write a script, this is your opportunity to enter On Earth, a reality show in the South African reserve Shamwari, where experts in their field will teach you how to make documentaries”.
After the longest weekend I can remember, they announced me that out of a 34,000 applicants, I had won a place in On Earth. I could not believe that I was the only representative from the American Continent ―the other chosen were two Europeans, one Australian and two Asians; I believed they had made a mistake.
Life is made of cycles, and my time in Africa came to an end. I now take great pleasure in sharing my experiences with children. I have great faith in them. Planting a small seed in them has become one of my callings, as well as writing a book where love of diversity, respect for all living creatures and taking care of our planet are the main themes I want to share with kids, young adults and women.
I would like to say to all Kennedy students, that they should appreciate and take advantage of the complete and privileged education they are receiving. I also want to tell them they should own their dream and believe in themselves order to make them come true. It takes great effort; it takes not surrendering after the first, the second, or the hundred times that things do not turn out the way you want them to.
I would like to say to all Kennedy students, that they should appreciate and take advantage of the complete and privileged education they are receiving. I also want to tell them they should own their dream and believe in themselves order to make them come true. It takes great effort; it takes not surrendering after the first, the second, or the hundred times that things do not turn out the way you want them to.
Janine Seifert Class of ‘02
Will you share some fun memories from your days at JFK?There are too many to pick one. But some of the most fun days where the various ASOMEX basketball and football tournaments, the trips to Catemaco and Oaxaca in High School, Rojos y Azules games and Children’s Day.
What were the most valuable lessons that you learned from your days at JFK?
I learned that hard work pays off and that good friends are friends for life. My best friends continue to be the people I met during my fifteen years at JFK from both the student body and the faculty.
Rodrigo Garza Urquiza. Class of 2005
How can you contribute to JFK as an alumnus?When I graduated from JFK, not many people wanted to study abroad. I think I can help JFK by talking with, and motivating students. Even if they want to study here in Mexico, I would invite them to take a chance, to look for an opportunity to study a semester or a summer abroad. It opens up a lot of opportunities to become involved in many different activities. It allows you to experience different cultures and different ways of doing things. And this applies to any career you choose to study. Wherever you go, you will be able to see different things and learn from them. I would really like to motivate students at JFK doing the IB program.
When you think about JFK, what comes to your mind? What are some of your memories?
Something that I really like about JFK is that they really want to form leaders. You can see this as early as Elementary School. Whenever they assign you a project, they want you to become independent. They want you to ask a lot of questions. They want you to be able to work in a group effectively. I think JFK prepares everybody that graduates from here, to become a future leader. One of my enjoyable memories was doing Red and Blue when we were in High School; running around, doing all sorts of activities, it was really fun. The workshops we had since Kindergarten, making paintings, making sculptures all that stuff was fun as well.