Jaguar Café


Jaguar Café

Jaguar Cafe

Jaguar Café

To ensure an adequate and balanced meal, we have nutrionists supervising our food service, and making sure we have a positive impact on the health of the JFK community, thus guaranteeing maximum quality.

We work to provide a high quality food service that meets the satisfaction and expectation of our clients, from the little ones to the adults, while continuously improving. There is a monthly menu that we offer to the Preschool and Elementary students. Jaguar Café has also a great variety of dishes to choose from, ranging from typical Mexican food to international food, including a salad bar, healthy snacks and beverages for everyone.

Our staff’s development consists of training, clinical evaluation and supervision. It’s vital that students eat a healthy lunch, because lunch provides one-third of their daily diet. Children who eat a healthy lunch have a higher nutrient intake not only for lunch but also for the entire day, which helps them concentrate during class and have enough energy to perform better on their after school activities.

We are committed to fulfill three different areas:

  • Health
  • Hygiene
  • Service

Jaguar Café

Our staff’s development consists of training, clinical evaluation and supervision. It’s vital that students eat a healthy lunch, because lunch provides one-third of their daily diet.