



It is the most fun place to be. Here we take time to imagine, discover, explore, be happy and learn. Highly trained bilingual teachers understand and care while still respecting the child as a developing individual.

Children learn through an English immersion program, art, mathematics, physical education, music and movement, computers, community and environment work, preparation for reading, and science classes.

We want our children to learn to appreciate the language and traditions of other cultures, while at the same time we are rooted in Mexican traditions and values.

Principal’s Message

Preschool is really where it all begins. Our main goal is to teach children a love of learning while parents and students feel supported and loved. We work in partnership with families to guide children as they develop social and academic skills that form the foundation for their success later in life. Children explore academic concepts through hands-on experiences and learn social interaction skills and mutual respect from the strong examples that our teachers set.

Our teachers help to create the culture of friendship and caring that extends to the students at the same time that they hold high expectations for academic excellence. Our staff is very approachable and willing to help in any capacity necessary.

I originally came to JFK as a student teacher when I was studying my postgraduate degree in Bilingual Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development through the California State University system. I have a Masters' of Science in Educational Leadership, and am eager to apply my knowledge here in the Preschool. Please feel free to contact me because I feel that your involvement in your children's education is crucial to their success.

Debra Cortney
Preschool Principal

Materials list 2024-2025

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Debra Cortney
Preschool Principal

Our teachers help to create the culture of friendship and caring that extends to the students at the same time that they hold high expectations for academic excellence

Debra Cortney

Preschool Principal

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